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A Little Bit More About Joe Warner

My Journey Into
Scalp Micro Pigmentation

My training began in 2019 when I participated in my Smp fundamental
training in with Scalp Co with world renowned trainers John Chandler and Australia’s most awarded Smp artist Caitlin James from Smp Australia.

Four months later I the flew from Sydney to the London to take my advance training with appear natural Ollie Hughes who is a true pioneer of SMP Industry!

With all the knowledge I was taught I kept practising my skills that I have been taught and develop my own in the process.

I constantly develop my skills over the course of five years I taking multiple trainings each year.

I advise you Google search the providers that I have train with this will give you a deeper understanding of the level that I have gone to to learn as much as I can in this industry in order to deliver an excellent service for my clients.

I have trained with in 9 diffeent providers over 5 years

here is my list.

  1. Scalp Co (Melbourne AU)
  2. Appear Natural (London UK)
  3. SMP Liverpool ( Liverpool UK)
  4. Head Ink (Northampton UK)
  5. Scalp Logic (Online USA)
  6. Gero Hair ink (Online USA)
  7. Hd Hairlines (Online UK)
  8. Flawless SMP (Online CAN)
  9. Billy De Cola (Online CAN)
As an SMP artist we all develop our own skills through practice and we learn from each other sometimes only small things at the small things all added together make a big difference!

From A Client To A Practioner

My Hairloss Journey

In 2014 I took action against my own hair loss during this time I had the opportunity to meet with a highly experience professional and hair system wearer Phil Osman from Hair4all. 

I was amazed by the natural appearance of the hair system he wore, especially at the hairline. This inspired me to choose a hair system for myself as my own hair was noticeably thinning at the front hairline and beyond. For a period of three years, I wore the hair system while residing in the UK. Although there were occasional challenges and a few awkward moments, overall, I found the experience to be positive. There were both good and bad hair days, but the advantages of wearing the hair system outweighs any drawbacks, particularly given the circumstances in the UK at that time.

I was a lot more confident and outgoing with the Hair system. Over the three year period I found out where the bespoke custom Hair systems were sourced from and had all the supplier direct links, which made the hair system process way more enjoyable as I could have three hair systems at one time and I could alternate between each hair system and change my hairstyle, in this three-year period I learnt how to custom design and create a natural looking bespoke hair system  as you can see of the photo on the right thats not my real hair.

In 2017 I left the UK and moved to Sydney Australia and my lifestyle changed drastically. I’ve participated in many water sport activities such as scuba diving and snorkelling. The ocean lifestyle was the new me and I was loving it and still do!

The only thing that holding me back was my hair system it did not give me the freedom I wanted while participating in these new activities.

The salt water would break down the glue at the hairline of the hair system and sand and grit would stick to the glue at the hairline as well. This not a good combination at all! No matter what magic glue I was told to use the hairline would always , always  lift at the front like a convertible and become unstuck. So picture this scenario I would return to my car from the ocean and I would check the mirror and my hairline would’ve lifted so I have to wear a hat or a bandanna or simply glue it down again which was not practical in social environments out and about.

This is when i decided wearing a hair system is no longer for me as it restricted me from living my new lifestyle that i wanted too. I become sick to death of having to fix my hairline after water sports activities it doesn’t matter how good your hair system is they all rely on being glued to your scalp!


A Lil Bit More About

Joe Warner

I so who I was again at a stalemate thinking to myself what do I do do I just embrace my hair loss what do I look at scalp micro pigmentation one more time after all we had been five years since I had the treatment originally so I went down the rabbit hole again on social media on YouTube and contacted many different providers this whole process I spent six months choosing the right provider for my treatment.
And this time round that outcome was totally different in a positive way I was absolutely elated with the new sense of confidence and a boost self-esteem.
I must give credit to Caitlin James from SMP Australia, who did a fantastic job on my treatment so thank you.
After that hideous journey I gained a lot of experience with her systems not just on what it’s like to wear one but having all the skills and expertise to bond and cut their hair and most importantly source all the products that are sold Direct from the manufacturer themselves.
But most importantly I began a new journey where I was not thinking about my hair loss on a day by day basis I was focusing on other things which was amazing to say the least.
As time went bye I was telling people that my hair is not real and I was telling them all about the treatment of where I got it done and how much has changed my life.
Which I could not do with the system or the shocking Smp I had prior.
Bing very meticulous and artistic myself having completed my A-levels in UK art school.
I thought to myself why don’t I become an artist as my standard sits right at the top I when it comes to the appearance of sscalp micro pigmentation my number one goal is to produce a natural looking scalp micro pigmentation.
Otherwise I’ll become part of the problem not a solution.
So I took my first smp fundamentals training in 2019 with SCALP Co with world renowned trainers John Chandler and Austrlia’s best trainer Caitlin James from smp australia.
Four months later I went to the flew from Sydney to the London to take my advance training with appear natural Ollie Hughes is a true pioner of SMP!
And i I’ve kept practising the skills that I have been taught and develop my own and I have not stopped training with other artists as I am forever learning new skills.
I also took training from Smp Liverpool in the UK the guy Craighas been training by Mark Allen from creative scalps who is also at the top of the game in this Smp industry.
Furthermore I have been intrigued by consuming as much online Smp training content as widely available. And I have completed seven online trainings and completed all the premium courses online from companys such as scalp logic, gero hair ink, scalp micro usa, billy de cola, falwless smp and so much more!


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